Bookseller Catalogs

188: Medical Science: especially Pediatrics from the Library of Dr. Frederick Frye

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

188: Medical Science: especially Pediatrics from the Library of Dr. Frederick Frye JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #188: This catalogue offers primarily a selection from the books of the history of pediatrics library formed by Dr. Frederick Frye. The collection was formed over many years, and often purchased from my mentor Jacob Zeitlin at Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers. Frye’s collection features many early books seldom seen on the market. Future catalogues will offer more from this collection. In addition, a few selected highlights are added. Featured: Salomon ALBERTI & Micaelo HENIG, Oratio, 1582; Gaspare ASELLI, De lactibus sive lacteis venis, 1627; David von der BECKE, Experimenta et Meditationes, 1674; Nicholas CULPEPER, An Entire New and Complete Edition of Culpeper’s works, enlarged, 1802; Edward JENNER, An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae, 1798, etc.

How to request a print version: Write to Jeff Weber Rare Books, or call.

Catalogue 68: Charles Dickens, A Word in Earnest

By John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller

Catalogue 68: Charles Dickens, A Word in Earnest Comprising 193 works by or about the most popular author of Victorian England including first editions in parts and in cloth, notable later editions, Dickens in translation, important works of reference, and a wide range of ephemera. In partnership with Henry Sotheran's Limited.

How to request a print version: Printed copies of the catalogue are available by regular mail. Please get in touch if you would like one.

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